Special Offers

From Culligan of Central Florida

Get limited-time savings on water you’ll love for your home or office

Special offer
Freein-home water test

Discover the right water treatment system for your home’s specific needs with a free in-home water test

$1.00a day
Special offer

For as low as $1.00 a day, you can get a water cooler and three 5-gallon drinking water bottles!

Trade in up to$200
Special offer

Trade in your water softener, and get up to $200 credit toward your new softener

Redeem Offer

Improving your home’s water is easier and more convenient than ever with Culligan Water’s in-home or virtual appointments.

Schedule Your Water Test

Improving your home’s water is easier and more convenient than ever with Culligan Water’s in-home or virtual appointments.

Contact Us To Get Better Water!

Improving your home’s water is easier and more convenient than ever with Culligan Water.

Contact Us To Get Better Water!

Improving your home’s water is easier and more convenient than ever with Culligan Water.

Contact Us To Get Better Water!

Improving your home’s water is easier and more convenient than ever with Culligan Water.

Contact Us To Get Better Water!

Improving your home’s water is easier and more convenient than ever with Culligan Water.